Early Pregnancy
Loss Clinic
Unexplained Miscarriages & Infertlity Explained and Treated
We aim to provide an in-depth understanding of why you are experiencing infertility or miscarriages. In addition to the standard testing done by most medical clinics, we will look for the presence of additional issues such as increased inflammation, insulin resistance, immune problems, undiagnosed endometriosis, predisposition to clotting (thrombophilia), gut health, and suboptimal diet and behavior that may be contributing to your problem. We will then develop a plan that seeks to optimize your chances of achieving a successful pregnancy which may include behavior modification, supplements and sometimes medications. When newly pregnant, we may add additional medications to optimize the health and growth of your placenta to help prevent an early miscarriage and help with problems that may come up later in your pregnancy.

Early Pregnancy
Loss Clinic
Unexplained Miscarriages &
Infertlity Explained and Treated

We aim to provide an in-depth understanding of why you are experiencing infertility or miscarriages. In addition to the standard testing done by most medical clinics, we will look for the presence of additional issues such as increased inflammation, insulin resistance, immune problems, undiagnosed endometriosis, predisposition to clotting (thrombophilia), gut health, and suboptimal diet and behavior that may be contributing to your problem. We will then develop a plan that seeks to optimize your chances of achieving a successful pregnancy which may include behavior modification, supplements and sometimes medications. When newly pregnant, we may add additional medications to optimize the health and growth of your placenta to help prevent an early miscarriage and help with problems that may come up later in your pregnancy.

Unexplained Infertility
You may have been trying to get pregnant for a long time, and your doctors have not been able to tell you, despite a lot of testing, why you are not getting pregnant. You may even have gone through many cycles of fertility treatments and still not gotten pregnant. You may have been told that you have something called “Unexplained Infertility”, a very frustrating thing to hear since it essentially means that your doctors do not know the reason why you are not getting pregnant. At Freyja, we firmly believe that there is always an underlying reason you are not getting pregnant, and it is our goal to find out what it is and help you overcome it.

Unexplained Infertility

Recurrent Pregnancy loss (Recurrent miscarriages)
You may have gotten pregnant two or more times only to experience miscarriages, and your doctors cannot explain why this is happening despite a lot of testing. At Freyja, we firmly believe that just like Unexplained Infertility, there is always an underlying reason for recurrent pregnancy losses, and it is goal to find out what it is and help you overcome it. Once pregnant, we will follow you very closely until you have passed the gestational age where the miscarriage risk goes down dramatically.

Recurrent Pregnancy loss (Recurrent miscarriages)

You may have gotten pregnant two or more times only to experience miscarriages, and your doctors cannot explain why this is happening despite a lot of testing. At Freyja, we firmly believe that just like Unexplained Infertility, there is always an underlying reason for recurrent pregnancy losses, and it is goal to find out what it is and help you overcome it. Once pregnant, we will follow you very closely until you have passed the gestational age where the miscarriage risk goes down dramatically.

Clotting or Immunes Issues
You may have read articles or blogs attributing Unexplained Infertility or Recurrent Pregnancy Loss to a clotting issue called Thrombophilia, or an overactive immune system where your early embryo cannot implant healthily, resulting in a miscarriage or Early Pregnancy Loss. At the Freyja Early Pregnancy Loss Clinic, we have many years of experience searching for and treating underlying issues usually not looked for by regular doctors. These issues can often explain why you have unexplained Infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss or recurrent implantation failures. We will complement any testing that may have been overlooked and search for underdiagnosed inflammatory issues, insulin resistance, PCOS, endometriosis, blood clotting disorders, micronutrient issues, and gut health, among others.
Our integrative and holistic treatment plan includes not only possible medications but also includes recommendations regarding diet, stress level, sleep, exercise, gut health and micronutrients.
“The good news is that we can almost always find a medical basis for your issues and can allow you to receive medical insurance coverage for most of your visits. We accept most medical insurance.“
- Drs Jan Rydfors, Lilly Swiersz and Atena Asiaii

Clotting or Immunes Issues

You may have read articles or blogs attributing Unexplained Infertility or Recurrent Pregnancy Loss to a clotting issue called Thrombophilia, or an overactive immune system where your early embryo cannot implant healthily, resulting in a miscarriage or Early Pregnancy Loss. At the Freyja Early Pregnancy Loss Clinic, we have many years of experience searching for and treating underlying issues usually not looked for by regular doctors. These issues can often explain why you have unexplained Infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss or recurrent implantation failures. We will complement any testing that may have been overlooked and search for underdiagnosed inflammatory issues, insulin resistance, PCOS, endometriosis, blood clotting disorders, micronutrient issues, and gut health, among others.
Our integrative and holistic treatment plan includes not only possible medications but also includes recommendations regarding diet, stress level, sleep, exercise, gut health and micronutrients.
“The good news is that we can almost always find a medical basis for your issues and can allow you to receive medical insurance coverage for most of your visits. We accept most medical insurance.“
- Drs Jan Rydfors, Lilly Swiersz and Atena Asiaii