Over many decades, we have helped thousands of couples to successfully have a baby. Some of these couples have been challenged with multiple unexplained pregnancy losses (miscarriages). Others have experienced losses following IVF embryo transfer cycles with tested genetically normal embryos. Finally, many couples have been told that they have so called “unexplained infertility”, when in fact, they were not infertile. They were instead just having a series of very early pregnancy losses that were simply being undetected.

We strongly feel that the traditional approaches to determining the causes of miscarriages or IVF implantation failures, offered by most miscarriage clinics, are not sufficient and a much more integrative approach is needed.

Over many decades, we have helped thousands of couples to successfully have a baby. Some of these couples have been challenged with multiple unexplained pregnancy losses (miscarriages). Others have experienced losses following IVF embryo transfer cycles with tested genetically normal embryos. Finally, many couples have been told that they have so called “unexplained infertility”, when in fact, there were not infertile. They were instead just having a series of very early pregnancy losses that were simply being undetected.

We strongly feel that the traditional approaches to determining the causes of miscarriages or IVF implantation failures, offered by most miscarriage clinics, are not sufficient and a much more integrative approach is needed.

Many factors including insulin resistance, increased chronic inflammation and NK activity, immunological reasons, undiagnosed endometriosis and clotting disorders called thrombophilias, vitamin deficiencies, unbalanced gut and vaginal microbiome, poor sleep and diet, can all affect one's chances of having a healthy baby. Not less important is the health of one's partner. We will evaluate, discuss and offer suggestions, supplements and other treatments for all of these issues in addition to doing a traditional workup.

Once pregnant, we will follow you and continue to treat you until you have gone beyond the miscarriage period which is usually week 10 to 12 of your pregnancy. While we cannot guarantee that our treatment will be successful, our experience has been that the majority of our patients have been able with our approach, to successfully have a baby, sometimes after many years of trying.

We have contracts with most medical insurance companies and since most people with reproductive issues have an underlying medical condition we can usually bill your insurance company for the majority of your consultations and treatments.

Many factors including insulin resistance, increased chronic inflammation and NK activity, immunological reasons, undiagnosed endometriosis and clotting disorders called thrombophilias, vitamin deficiencies, unbalanced gut and vaginal microbiome, poor sleep and diet, can all affect one's chances of having a healthy baby. Not less important is the health of one's partner. We will evaluate, discuss and offer suggestions, supplements and other treatments for all of these issues in addition to doing a traditional workup.

Once pregnant, we will follow you and continue to treat you until you have gone beyond the miscarriage period which is usually week 10 to 12 of your pregnancy. While we cannot guarantee that our treatment will be successful, our experience has been that the majority of our patients have been able with our approach, to successfully have a baby, sometimes after many years of trying.

We have contracts with most medical insurance companies and since most people with reproductive issues have an underlying medical condition we can usually bill your insurance company for the majority of your consultations and treatments.


We look at traditional problems related to your hormones, ovulation, uterine anatomy, cervix and infections but we do not stop there. We will simultaneously deeply look into the often overlooked problems related to your microbiome, bowel permeability, sleep and diet, undiagnosed insulin resistance and increased chronic inflammation, undiagnosed immune issues, endometriosis and undiagnosed chronic infections of your endometrium.


  • Standard hormonal assays
  • NK assay, TH1:TH2 Cytokine ratio (TNF), expanded antiphospholipid testing
  • Full thrombophilia testing – blood clotting disorders
  • Pelvic ultrasound
  • Sonohysterogram – fluid ultrasound
  • Femvue - in office liquid hysterosalpingogram
  • Receptiva® test - looking for undiagnosed endometriosis, endometritis and low Integrins
  • ERA test – Endometrial receptivity Analysis looking for the optimum embryo transfer Window


Prior to your next pregnancy, we will treat any traditional issues discovered and will focus on behavior and dietary modifications, supplements and medications to balance found insulin resistance, increased inflammation and immune issues.

Once pregnant may add stronger treatment which may include Prednisone, in-office Intralipids, Lovenox (Enoxaparin), immune modulators such as Tacrolimus. In couples who are planning a future embryo transfer, these medications will be started prior to the embryo transfer. In most cases, we do not use IVIG since the combination of medications we use are usually sufficient for success. Finally, when you become pregnant, we will follow you on a weekly basis until you have gone beyond the miscarriage period of 10 to 12 weeks gestation.



We do accept most insurance and can usually bill most of the initial and follow up consultations and testing using normal medical codes. In addition your insurance will usually pick up the majority of testing that is related to a normal medical code as well.

If you choose to pay for the visits and tests out-of-pocket, our fees are as follows:


Consult (one hour or more) + review of records – 750 USD
Emails – no cost if very simple. We may suggest an in-person visit or Zoom call if more complex.


Endometrial biopsy for ERA®: or Receptiva® – 325 USD



We do accept most insurance and can usually bill most of the initial and follow up consultations and testing using normal medical codes. In addition your insurance will usually pick up the majority of testing that is related to a normal medical code as well.

If you choose to pay for the visits and tests out-of-pocket, our fees are as follows:


Consult (one hour or more) + review of records – 750 USD
Limited Exam and US – 300 USD
Follow up visit (in person or zoom) - 350 USD
Emails – no cost if very simple. We may suggest an in-person visit or Zoom call if more complex.


Endometrial biopsy for ERA®: or Receptiva® – 250 USD
Sonohysterogram – 950 USD
Femvue – 1150 USD
Pelvic endovaginal ultrasound - 275 USD
Intralipids – 350 USD